Friday, April 24, 2015

May 2015

Can you believe how fast your first year of college has flown by? You still need to write a handful of papers, study for a few exams, and put the finishing touches on group projects, but – summer is almost here. Here are some things we recommend that you do to keep your brain and spirit limber during the summer months: 1) Read a book just because you want to, and not because it’s required for class. 2) Resolve to take one photograph of something unusual every day for a month. 3) Learn how to cook an omelet. If you already know how to make an omelet, learn how to bake bread. 4) Write a letter to your parents or grandparents by hand. 4) Keep in touch with at least one friend from Trinity; reconnect with at least one old friend from home.  5) Eat ice cream.

Aaron Delwiche & Jennifer Henderson
Class Marshal

With this last message of the year, I invite you to think about the big things you’ve discovered, experienced and accomplished over these first two semesters.  I hope you’ve gained new friends, along with some insight related to your major or future career plans.  I also hope you smile as you recall good times on campus and out in our community.  And, as you think about the challenges, disappointments, and even tragic events that have also been part of your first year journey, I hope you feel pride in how you responded and can see how they’ve helped you gain confidence or maybe just a new appreciation for what’s really important.  Hang in there through finals and have a wonderful summer break.

Leni Kirkman
Alumni Sponsor

Hello Class of 2018!

It’s hard to believe that in August you first set foot on campus as a Trinity student and now you are about to leave for the summer! Next year, you will be seasoned sophomores, ready to start your second year off with a bang. Before you leave for the summer, please take some time to reflect on this past year and all you have learned and accomplished. Completing your first year of college is an important milestone and one that should be celebrated. Just make sure you celebrate AFTER your final exams! You only have a few weeks left, but remember to give them your all. The academic foundation you create this year will affect years to come.

Once again, congratulations! We can’t wait to see what adventures your summer and sophomore year have in store. 

Rachel Boaz & Amelia Shaw
Residential Life Coordinators


Destress Fest 2015 featuring PaintU
Sponsored by the Student Programming Board

When: Saturday, May 1, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Where: Prassel Lawn
What to Wear: Clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting messy!

Come out to an awesome paint & dance party to release your stress before finals. Free water bottles, t-shirts, and rally towels! We will also be announcing next year’s Welcome Week Concert artist and this semester’s iPad winner.

Check out this short YouTube video of past paint parties.

We can’t wait to see you!

*Congratulations to all the Student Leadership Award recipients!*

Friday, March 27, 2015

April 2015

The rituals of spring are upon us: Spring Family Weekend, Fiesta, Commencement. It’s hard to believe your first year at Trinity is almost complete. Almost complete…but not quite. Although the lure of the sun and the beach are strong, the next few weeks could make or break your semester. All too often, students just give up during these last weeks, throwing away all of the hard work and late nights of the previous months. It’s easy to do. April is the month of parties. But, May, is the month of finals. So, before you say “yes” to another night out or another weekend away, remember that it doesn't matter how well you’ve run the race if you don’t finish strong.

Aaron Delwiche & Jennifer Henderson
Class Marshal

April in San Antonio means Fiesta! The tradition dates back to 1891, when local women threw flowers at a parade to honor the heroes of the Alamo and the Battle San Jacinto. Today, more than 3.5 million people will “party with a purpose” to celebrate S.A.’s diverse culture and raise money for nonprofit groups. Fiesta 2015 runs April 16 – 26th and includes parades, music, festivals and more food than you could possibly eat. The popular Night in Old San Antonio at La Villita is the 21st -24th, with College Night at NIOSA on Thursday, April 23. Check out and for details. Don’t miss the fun, but please Fiesta responsibly and stay safe. 
Leni Kirkman
Alumni Sponsor

Hello Class of 2018!

April means it’s time for to reserve your room for next year! Hopefully many of you have already done so, if not, make sure to speak with your RM if you have questions! Next year each of you will say goodbye to the First Year Area and head to Sophomore College (SoCol). Now, many of you may be asking: What exactly is SoCol? SoCol focuses on 5 S’s: Selecting a Major, Study Abroad, Social Awareness, Service, and Social Connections. Your Resident Assistant (RA) will promote numerous events that will help you accomplish the five S’s. Unlike your RM, RAs take a more hands off approach to your development. They are there for you when you need them, but also want to provide you with room to grow.

We are excited for what’s next for the Class of 2018! However, don’t forget to finish out the year strongly.

See you around campus!

Rachel Boaz & Amelia Shaw
Residential Life Coordinators


Trinity accepted Mayor Ivy Taylor's Veg Out challenge! Nacho Hour and the popular Milk & Cookies was recently transformed into a buffet of healthy delicacies like carrots, celery, pineapples, zucchini bread, hummus and much more! A frequent visitor of Milk & Cookies expressed, "Milk and Cookies was deceptive yet delicious today". : )

Wonder what the Redbox looking contraption is in Coates University Center lobby? 
Try it out!

Be sure to check out the amazing student and alumni artwork on the 1st and 2nd floor of Coates University Center!

Get Paid to Be in the Know
The Trinitonian and the Mirage are both hiring for 2015-2016. Positions are open for accountants, ad sales, reporting, photography, copy editing, layout, and graphics. These are not federal work-study jobs; every major is welcome. To apply or inquire, contact or

Get What You Pay For: The Education and the Network

I’m sure you’ve heard at one time or another that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know that really matters. Actually, both understanding concepts and knowing people are necessary in order to succeed. While you may be busy with exams, sporting events, or just hanging out at this point in the semester, I strongly encourage you to make time to get advice from Trinity alumni who are already employed in areas in which you are interested.

You can do this through TRINITYCONNECT – an online resource brought to you by Career Services and Alumni Relations. Use your T-mail address to access the system and to schedule a conversation today. Take advantage of a professional network that has volunteered to share insight and experience with you. Let me know if you need assistance or have any questions.

John Birch

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2015

There’s nothing better than Spring Break.  A chance for you to go the beach or skiing or just home to sleep.  In addition to our usual advice for students heading out on their first college Spring Break trips - make smart choices, wear shoes that make you happy, and drink a lot of water - we’d like to also add these more academic suggestions:  don’t put off all of your homework until Sunday night, March 15, don’t think, “I can turn it all around after the break,” don’t tell your professor you are going to miss class on Monday, March 16 “because you wanted cheaper plane tickets,” and don’t rub in the fact that your professor went to a conference in Toledo.  Oh, and one more thing - don’t think, for a minute, that the milk in your refrigerator will keep.  Safe travels!

Aaron Delwiche & Jennifer Henderson
Class Marshal

The countdown to Spring Break is on! In addition to catching up on sleep and having fun, this is also a great time to figure out what you’re going to do this summer.

Job shadowing and internships look good on your resume and graduate school applications, they also allow you to “test drive” a potential career, get connected with people working in your chosen field, and can even result in a job after graduation.  
Lots of organizations have information and contacts on their websites, so be proactive. You can also check out and reach out to TU’s Career Services team.

Enjoy your break and be safe!

Leni Kirkman
Alumni Sponsor

Hello, Class of 2018!

Can you believe it is already March?! Time flies when you are having fun and getting into the swing of spring semester. March is also the time for Trinity’s Spring Break. We hope all of you use your break to enjoy some much needed relaxation time! We also hope all of you will take precautions as you celebrate the time off from school. Remember to take care of yourself and others, especially when alcohol is involved. Want to learn more about healthy drinking behaviors and Spring Break safety? Head to Trinity University’s Police Department’s Spring Break Event on
March 4, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. outside the Witt Center. Not able to attend but have questions about healthy drinking behaviors? Ask your RM to provide you with tips and advice.

Be safe, and enjoy your Spring Break!

Rachel Boaz & Amelia Shaw
Residential Life Coordinators

Here are just a few amazing programs and events that happened in February...

Harry Potter World of Strengths was a success on the Esplanade!

Trinity goes crazy for chocolate and vote to pie their favorite professor at Chocolate Festival. #TigerPride

TDC & BSU collaborate to begin a new conversation series entitled, Diversity Dialogue!

Enter to WIN a Google Nexus!
Trinity wants to improve your experience and the experience of future Tigers, and you can help by completing the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE).  NSSE helps us understand how students are spending time in and out of the classroom, which guides decisions that will benefit Trinity students for generations.  
Please check your e-mail for a link to the survey.  You should have received a survey invitation by e-mail earlier this month.  If you can’t find the link—no worries!  An additional e-mail reminder will be sent out in the next week.  
In appreciation for participating, we will enter all students who complete the survey into a drawing for 1 of 2 Google Nexus Tablets (worth $175).  One senior and one first-year student will be selected to win.
If you have any questions about this project at Trinity or how we plan to use the results, feel free to e-mail me at or 210-999-8483.
Your feedback is valuable!  Thank you for considering this request.
Adam Baker
Assistant Director of Institutional Research

Spring Family Weekend
March 27-29, 2014
Spring Family Weekend is an exciting time for families to see your achievements after a year's worth of hard effort. The schedule of events during Spring Family Weekend spotlights students' talents and successes. Program highlights include: Friday Student Leadership Awards, Saturday Honor Awards Convocation and Trinity Spotlight Talent Showcase.

Click here for a full list of events!


University Spring Break Hours 
(left click picture to enlarge)

Friday, January 30, 2015

February 2015

As the new semester gets underway, you are facing more and more demands on your time. Term papers. Exams. Group projects. Meetings. When confronted with all of these responsibilities, it is tempting to burn the candle at both ends. Now more than ever, you need to be watching out for your own health. Just last week, the Express-News reported that San Antonio has the second-highest flu activity in the country. How can you make sure that you stay healthy? First, make sure you’re getting some sleep. Wait until the flu season is over before you attempt back-to-back all-nighters. Second, if you’re using public computers, remember to wash your hands more often than usual. Third, if you feel yourself getting run down, try to get some rest immediately. Last but not least, if you know of a friend who is coughing and/or feverish, please discourage him or her from attending class and infecting other people. Stay healthy! 

Aaron Delwiche & Jennifer Henderson
Class Marshal

Nothing beats the winter blues better than bull riding, barrel racing and Frito pie at the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo. The rodeo runs February 12 - March 1 at Freeman Coliseum. It’s one of the largest in the nation, with top competitors, and a live concert immediately after the rodeo events. Performers this year include Keith Urban, Hunter Hayes, and John Legend. On a budget? Each Thursday is College Day at the Rodeo, so bring your Trinity ID and explore the huge rodeo grounds for free. Learn more at

Leni Kirkman

Alumni Sponsor

Hello Class of 2018!
You’re two months into your first spring semester at Trinity University! Before you know it, you will be registering for classes for your sophomore year! While you may already feel like a pro when it comes to campus life, don’t forget about all the campus resources Trinity has to offer!

Looking for a summer internship?  Make an appointment with Career Services by calling 999-8321. Feeling overwhelmed, homesick, or just need someone to talk to? Check out Counseling Services. Walk-in hours are every Monday-Friday from 3 – 4:30 pm, or call 999-7411 to make an appointment. Don’t forget about Health Services during flu season! Call 999-8111 to make an appointment. Have general questions or concerns and don’t know where to go? Come to the Residential Life Office in the Witt Center, where you can meet us and we will point you in the right direction!

Happy winter and happy spring semester!

Rachel Boaz & Amelia Shaw
Residential Life Coordinators

First Year Area

Harry Potter World of Strengths, Wednesday, February 11, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Esplanade

Sponsored by the StrengthsQuest committee, this event is for students wanting to explore their strengths through a fun, interactive game. Win prizes and enjoy refreshments

Health and Fitness Day, Tuesday, February 17, 10:30 to 1 pm, Bell Center Sams Gym

Sponsored by Athletics and Health Services, this event is for students and staff.  Come enjoy some healthy food, get a sample massage and have other health screenings done.  Learn about organ donation and Bone Marrow Registry, personal safety, dermatology, emergency care and much more.  Play games and enter to win a Fit Bit.  Free T-shirts while supplies last.


President Danny Anderson and wife Kimberly Anderson with students, faculty, staff, and friends of Trinity University at the 2015 City of San Antonio MLK Jr. March. Click here for a quick coverage of the MLK Jr. March! 

District 2 Councilman Alan E. Warrick, II with Trinity University students and staff members chalking cardiac hill. TUDreamTeam inspires the city by chalking MLK Jr. quotes around San Antonio. Click here to watch one of the many news coverages the TUDreamTeam received! To participate in next year’s TUDreamTeam, please contact Michelle Bartonico or Soi Smith.


Career Services: Why does a first-year student need a resume anyway?

A resume documents an individual’s experiences--paid as well as unpaid. You are gaining experience every time you join a student organization and volunteer in the community. It is easier to document these experiences as you go, rather than trying to remember them months or years later when you are ready to use a resume to find an internship or employment.

But resumes aren’t just for jobs! Resumes sometimes are required for scholarship or award applications, or to apply for volunteer student leadership positions on campus.

So how do you get started? Come to walk-in hours in Career Services: M/W/F 1:30-4pm and TU/TH 10:30am-1pm. Also, come to Resumania, a career event on Feb. 2-3 in the CUC Lobby, to kick start the resume process.


Join the ResLife staff for the first annual Fiesta Friday. Come enjoy food, games, and crafts while also getting the chance to take photos with friends in front of the Alamo. Party starts at 4pm in the Witt Center on Friday February 6th. Hope to see you there! Viva Fiesta!


Start Planning for Spring Break Now

Do you have plans to be in the New England area over spring break? If so, add Making Connections to your itinerary on Sunday, March 8. Meet Trinity alumni from the Newton, Massachusetts area. You can share with them about your goals after graduation and they can offer their perspectives of the real world, and maybe even practical tips on how to fine tune strategies to reach your goals. Register here.

Stay tuned! More events are being planned for New York and Austin.

Fourteen Making Connections events were held all over the country during Winter Break, including this one in Houston.

Friday, January 9, 2015

January 2015

Last semester is over. A new semester has arrived. Whether you encountered speed bumps or aced all your courses, each new semester promises a fresh beginning. In this spirit, we would like to share an essential recipe for strengthening your academic performance.

Step 1. Track down all graded papers that were returned to you last semester.
Step 2. Read through all of your professors’ comments, and write down a list of the major issues. (For example: “problem with comma splices; misspelled the author’s name; Buzzfeed is not a good source.”)
Step 3. Turn this list of issues into a checklist and use it when proofreading all of your written work.

We know this sounds dorky and unrealistic, but we guarantee that you will be pleased by the results. If this doesn't work, contact us and we will treat you to free lunch in the Skyline Room at the end of the semester. What do you have to lose? Best case: you do well in school. Worst case: you get a free lunch. .

Aaron Delwiche & Jennifer Henderson
Class Marshal

Class of 2018,

Happy New Year and welcome back for your second semester at Trinity University! This is a fresh start and we hope you take advantage of this blank slate. Reflect on last semester and figure out how to learn from your mistakes and utilize the skills you developed.

The residence halls open at noon on January 11th. Feel free to return to campus any time after this date. No need to check-in, just head back to your room and enjoy being back on campus! If you do need assistance, the Witt Center will be open from noon until 8 pm on Sunday the 11th, with regular business hours starting Monday. Classes begin on January 14th. We’re excited to have all of you back in the halls, your presence brings the life back to campus!

We hope to see you soon! 

Rachel Boaz & Amelia Shaw
Residential Life Coordinators

First Year Area

Career Services:

The Career Fair: What’s In It For You?
It’s never too early to begin career exploration for life after Trinity University. You are encouraged to come to the Spring Career Fair on February 4 and to introduce yourselves to employers and recruiters to learn their requirements for future internships and part-time jobs. For a full list of employers attending, visit TigerJobs. Come by Career Services prior to the fair to start your resume, and even for assistance with answering the question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”  

Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture featuring Tim Wise on Thursday, January 15 at 7:30 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium.  For more information about the speaker please visit the MLK Jr. Events page.

Don't miss the City-Wide San Antonio MLK Jr. March! Transportation is provided; just meet at the Bell Center at 8:30 a.m. Free long sleeve T-shirts will be available for first 200 people!! Help Trinity maintain its reputation as the largest college represented at the March!


2015 Greek Life Recruitment Info

Greek Life - January 2015

Greetings and welcome back to the Spring semester. Are you interested in joining a sorority or fraternity? The final weeks are upon us for this process. Please refer back to the blog post for specific information if you have any questions. (more>>)


Reslife Information
Have you ever thought about joining the Residential Life Student Staff? If so, be sure to attend one of the required info sessions on January 28th or January 29th at 6 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. If you are unable to attend either info session but are still interested in applying, please email Lisa Petrakis by January 28th.


NSO 2015
The O-Team is now recruiting for NSO 2015! Interested? Complete this application by January 30 to be considered! Need more information email JJ!