Friday, April 24, 2015

May 2015

Can you believe how fast your first year of college has flown by? You still need to write a handful of papers, study for a few exams, and put the finishing touches on group projects, but – summer is almost here. Here are some things we recommend that you do to keep your brain and spirit limber during the summer months: 1) Read a book just because you want to, and not because it’s required for class. 2) Resolve to take one photograph of something unusual every day for a month. 3) Learn how to cook an omelet. If you already know how to make an omelet, learn how to bake bread. 4) Write a letter to your parents or grandparents by hand. 4) Keep in touch with at least one friend from Trinity; reconnect with at least one old friend from home.  5) Eat ice cream.

Aaron Delwiche & Jennifer Henderson
Class Marshal

With this last message of the year, I invite you to think about the big things you’ve discovered, experienced and accomplished over these first two semesters.  I hope you’ve gained new friends, along with some insight related to your major or future career plans.  I also hope you smile as you recall good times on campus and out in our community.  And, as you think about the challenges, disappointments, and even tragic events that have also been part of your first year journey, I hope you feel pride in how you responded and can see how they’ve helped you gain confidence or maybe just a new appreciation for what’s really important.  Hang in there through finals and have a wonderful summer break.

Leni Kirkman
Alumni Sponsor

Hello Class of 2018!

It’s hard to believe that in August you first set foot on campus as a Trinity student and now you are about to leave for the summer! Next year, you will be seasoned sophomores, ready to start your second year off with a bang. Before you leave for the summer, please take some time to reflect on this past year and all you have learned and accomplished. Completing your first year of college is an important milestone and one that should be celebrated. Just make sure you celebrate AFTER your final exams! You only have a few weeks left, but remember to give them your all. The academic foundation you create this year will affect years to come.

Once again, congratulations! We can’t wait to see what adventures your summer and sophomore year have in store. 

Rachel Boaz & Amelia Shaw
Residential Life Coordinators


Destress Fest 2015 featuring PaintU
Sponsored by the Student Programming Board

When: Saturday, May 1, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Where: Prassel Lawn
What to Wear: Clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting messy!

Come out to an awesome paint & dance party to release your stress before finals. Free water bottles, t-shirts, and rally towels! We will also be announcing next year’s Welcome Week Concert artist and this semester’s iPad winner.

Check out this short YouTube video of past paint parties.

We can’t wait to see you!

*Congratulations to all the Student Leadership Award recipients!*