Residential Life Coordinator - August 2014

Greetings Class of 2018!

My name is Rachel Boaz, and I am a Residential Life Coordinator in the First Year Area. I graduated from Trinity in 2010, so I was in your shoes not long ago!  As you start packing, it might be useful to check out this link for a few pointers on what to bring, and what to leave at home. 

There are numerous stores such as Target, Wal-Mart, and Bed Bath & Beyond all within easy driving distance from campus, so do not worry if you forget something at home!

When you arrive on campus on August 21st, Team Trinity will carry your belongings from your car to your residence hall room. Make sure everything is clearly labeled with your name, hall, and room number. Your resident mentor will be on your hall, and excited to meet you!  If you’re not sure when to arrive on campus, simply click here.

Have a wonderful rest of your summer, and we will see you soon! 
